Monday, April 2, 2012

A - Z Favourites List

Just for fun!

Actors: Channing Tatum, Nicholas Cage, Chevy Chase

Actress: Amanda Seyfried, Katherine Heigl, Sandra Bullock 

Animal: Lion

Action movie: too many!

Author: JK Rowling

Airline: Porter

Accessory: Key pendant

Book: Harry Potter, Hunger Games

Band: ummm Lady Antebellum count?

Beverage: lemonade!

Beer: MGD

Bag: my TNA bag

Cartoon: can't decide

Christmas Carol: Too many!

Clothing article

Constellation: Orion (because it's so easy to see)

Car: '71 Corvette Stingray

Chocolate bar: caramilk, cookies and cream

Candy: sweedish berries, cherry blasters

Country singer: Taylor Swift

Drink: lemonade....

Dairy product: ice cream!
Disney movie: The Lion King

Friday, March 9, 2012

30 Movies for Girls Night In

Though a girls night movie can really be anything, I've compiled a list of chick flicks to check out. The list is only compiled of movies I've seen (and as I've admitted, I'm terrible at seeing movies) but there are definitely some more that I want to check out (Bridesmaids, The Vow, etc)! This list isnt in an ranked order.

1. Letters to Juliet
While on a pre-wedding trip to Italy, Sofie comes across a letter written years ago to 'Juliet'. Deciding to write back, she soon comes face to face with it's author, Claire, and her smarmy grandson Charlie. In search for Claires lost love, the trio find themselves journeying through the winding roads of the country, much to Charlie's reluctance. As the venture unfolds, Sofie learns about herself and what it means to chase your destiney.

2. Dear John
Soldier John Tyree is on leave in his hometown when he runs into the beautiful and vibrant Savannah on the beach. From that moment they are inseperable, at least for the two weeks before John has to return to the army. While seperated by miles, the two communicate through letters making sure their love endures for the year they must spend apart. However, things don't always go according to plan. When September 11 strikes, John is determined to extend his service and Savannah finds herself with a decision that will change the lives around her forever. A beautiful story of undying love, sacrifice, family, devotion, and the turbulence of life based on the best selling book by Nicholas Sparks.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

You Know You're a Tap Dancer When...

  • you carry a screw driver with you everywhere
  • every time you hear music ou can't help moving your feet
  • you get in trouble at school or stern looks at work for tapping under your desk
  • you're constantly making rhythms with the different objects around you
  • getting a new pair of tap shoes is one of the greatest things in the world
  • breaking them in just right IS the greatest thing in the world
  • you understand that ballet dancers arent the only ones who can dance on their toes

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Movies I've Seen This Year

Everything I've seen this year! Rule is it has to be the full movie with some leeway if it's on tv! This will be a slow list, I dont watch movies very often!

Dear John

A cute and heartfelt movie with two of my favourite actors. John is a soldier and meets Savannah near his home town while on leave. Before long, the two become inseperable, at least until John returns to service and they're forced to spend the year apart. They communicate through letters, though it's no suprise the miles between them challenge their commitment and love for eachother. But as they soon discover, time waits for no one, and each will have to make their own decisions that will change both of their lives.

Ocean's Eleven

A remake of the classic ratpack film from the 1960's, Ocean's Eleven is your typical heist moive. Fresh out of jail and looking to take back what he feels should be his, Ocean enlists in the help of 11 con artists to pull of the job of his life. But it won't be easy. It's Vegas baby, and in the city of the sly two steps ahead isn't merely enough. With a star studded cast, this movie is hilarious, alluring, action packed, sexy, and clever, perfect for a guys night in.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Books I've Read This Year (with reviews)

1) The Hunger Games

My Rating: 4.5/5

I was sort of unsure about picking this one up. WHen books are really hyped, I tend to get annoyed and enjoy them less (enter Twilight (enter millions of Twilight fans wanting to throw things at me)). It arrived in a box of books that I had ordered online from chapters (taking advantage of the free shipping over $25, score!) I couldn't decide what to read first and decided to read two pages of each. I immediately got hooked on Suzanne Collins smash hit. I love that it's told through first person narration by a character who has some serious backbone. Her instincts to survive in her familiar dystopian world are put to the test when she's thrown into an arena to fight to the death. Even though Katniss knows she cannot escape the people who put her there, she's going to put up one serious fight. And a rebellios one at that. Packed with action, suspense, humor, growth of a forced heroine, and a little romance, The Hunger Games definitely delivers. I couldn't put it down.

For more information on The Hunger Games and to read more reviews, please visit:

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Life Challenge (The Story Generator List)

Ok, so this is pretty much a yearly bucket list. However, unlike my previous yearly bucket list, this one includes smaller items (though some items ma overlap). Some of my friends contributed so there are things that arent exactly 'me'. The idea is to experience life and enjoy the stories that come from out of the ordinary situations! I will continue to add to this list with my own ideas and suggestions from others. And now, on to the challenges!

(suggestions welcome!)

Leave notes in library books
- Leave inspirational or funny notes in library books. Take a picture of the notes/books

Have a street meat hotdog (DONE March 2012)
- because nothing says 'big city' like meals on wheels. Take a photo of the confection or write down where purchased
Got an all beef hotdog from this cart in Toronto!

Flirt with a stanger
- Doesn't have to be with intent. I'm terrible at this one so Im sure I will get some sort of story out of it. Reccord how it goes down

Change your background
- phone or computer, switch it up and try something new.

Go on a date with an Italian guy
- x____x This is going to be do you even go about that? 'Hi are you italian? Yes? Wanna go on one date with me so I can check it off my list and write about it in my blog?' Need to keep telling myself: It's all about experiencing life...

Bust it out on the dance floor
- I don't really get excited about dancing at clubs. I'm so trained as a dancer that it's hard for me to dance that way I guess. I'm pretty self conscious about it, so I guess this is a good one for me!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Things To Do This Year (2012)

Bucket list in yearly terms! The list will grow as I think of things. May document later with pictures and stories.

-Read at least 5 novels   DONE! (Feb 24)
- Read at least 10 novels (5/10)
- Learn some sign language
- Make a scrapbook or album
- Finish a painting
- Try at least 12 new recipes
- Completely pay off visa
- Go on a plane trip
- Visit a pawn shop
- Get another summer job
- Go to a tap jam
- Buy a Guess purse
- Go swimming in the ocean
- Collect sand in a jar from the beach

100 Random Things About Me

Rather than writing a generic 'about me' post, I figured I'd be true to the theme of the blog and do it in list form! It wasnt so easy for me to come up with 100 random facts.

  1. I love photographs
  2. I've never dyed my hair
  3. Siri on my iphone calls me 'Justin' for some reason
  4. M*A*S*H is the only tv show I follow. I'm obsessed with it
  5. My hair is a bit of a security blanket. If I leave the house, it's usually down
  6. I prefer a pen and paper to typing
  7. I'd like to learn Italian
  8. I can't hear music without choreographing a dance routine in my head
  9. I could eat brown sugar by the spoonful
  10. I absolutely love my dog (and everyone knows it)
  11. I'm slightly addicted to twitter (@sarah_17)
  12. I love young adult/childrens fiction
  13. I'm an obsessive list maker (surprise surprise)
  14. I prefer texting to talking on the phone
  15. I'm horrible at returning phone messages

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Bucket List

Things on my life bucket list so far! It will continue to grow as I think of things!

- Open a dance studio
- Ride a double decker bus
- Swim in/under a waterfall
- Visit the great pyramids
- Buy something from an Egyptian souk
- Get my full license
- Ride a jeep in the dessert
- Go ziplining
- Be part of a flashmob
- Go to a drive in Movie
- Swim with dolphins
- Own an artifact from WWII
- Visit Harry Potter World
- Aquire a degree
- Get a job at the ACC
- Publish a book