Thursday, March 8, 2012

You Know You're a Tap Dancer When...

  • you carry a screw driver with you everywhere
  • every time you hear music ou can't help moving your feet
  • you get in trouble at school or stern looks at work for tapping under your desk
  • you're constantly making rhythms with the different objects around you
  • getting a new pair of tap shoes is one of the greatest things in the world
  • breaking them in just right IS the greatest thing in the world
  • you understand that ballet dancers arent the only ones who can dance on their toes
  • shoes that don't make noise just arent as appealing
  • you respect that Gene Kelly is of god-like status
  • you sound like a broken reccord announcing that tap dancing is making a comeback
  • people don't invite you back because you've ripped up their floor
  • you use verbal sounds to explain what your feet are doing (Dah diggy diggy DAH)
  • you understand said verbal sounds without any confusion
  • you have significantly less glitter on your costume than everybody else
  • tip-toeing around backstage is just a natural reaction
  • you show your appreciation not by clapping, but by slamming your foot on the floor repeatedly
  • you've made a promise to keep your tap shoes as far away as possible from the kitchen floor
  • you could do the shim sham in your sleep
  • losing a skrew is cause for stopping the whole class to search
  • you sometimes close your eyes at performances just to listen
  • 'everyday I'm shufflin' means something completely different to you than it does to the majority of the population
  • you have trouble finding boots to accomodate your giant calf muscles
  • you can quote singing in the rain from memory
  • you tap while waiting in lineups (and sometimes don't even realize you're doing it)
  • the day you upgraded from buckles to laces was one of the greatest days ever
  • you love making sweet beautiful music with your feet
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