Thursday, March 1, 2012

Life Challenge (The Story Generator List)

Ok, so this is pretty much a yearly bucket list. However, unlike my previous yearly bucket list, this one includes smaller items (though some items ma overlap). Some of my friends contributed so there are things that arent exactly 'me'. The idea is to experience life and enjoy the stories that come from out of the ordinary situations! I will continue to add to this list with my own ideas and suggestions from others. And now, on to the challenges!

(suggestions welcome!)

Leave notes in library books
- Leave inspirational or funny notes in library books. Take a picture of the notes/books

Have a street meat hotdog (DONE March 2012)
- because nothing says 'big city' like meals on wheels. Take a photo of the confection or write down where purchased
Got an all beef hotdog from this cart in Toronto!

Flirt with a stanger
- Doesn't have to be with intent. I'm terrible at this one so Im sure I will get some sort of story out of it. Reccord how it goes down

Change your background
- phone or computer, switch it up and try something new.

Go on a date with an Italian guy
- x____x This is going to be do you even go about that? 'Hi are you italian? Yes? Wanna go on one date with me so I can check it off my list and write about it in my blog?' Need to keep telling myself: It's all about experiencing life...

Bust it out on the dance floor
- I don't really get excited about dancing at clubs. I'm so trained as a dancer that it's hard for me to dance that way I guess. I'm pretty self conscious about it, so I guess this is a good one for me!

Play hard to get
- I'm not even sure what that entails. Is it the same as just not interested? I don't think so...I may need help with this one lol

Go swimming in a lake
- I loved swimming in Lake Erie as a kid. Not so sure I want to dive into Lake Ontario these days, so this ma require a small road trip (this actually makes me pretty excited)

- This could be taken many ways, but Im taking it as volunteering at a charity (rather than volunteering for work or a project or something). I really don't do this often enough

Eat at a buffet
- clearly this was my contribution. You can seldomly go wrong with a good buffet. This one wont be hard to complete

Have a candle lit dinner
- this one sounds fun to me because it doesnt necessarily have to be a romantic type thing. I think people get too wrapped up with putting things like this into categories. Grab some friends, light some candles and eat dinner like they did in the good ol' days!

Collect something in a jar
- my immediate thought was sand. Which would be cool, but why stop there? Mason jars can be very decorative when filled with various things. Marbles, seashells, whatever your hearts desire (though if it's something like toenails, I do not want to hear about it....or see it on display)

Play Bingo
- Im 22 years old. How fun would it be to skip the night out and go and play Bingo? (Im being serious). I'm all for hitting the Bingo hall. If I can only find one...

Take 50 picture sets
- Such a fun idea that I wouldnt have thought of. Choose something to focus on (ie rubber ducks, toys with wheels, things that are pink) and set about to take 50 different pictures. I will try to document this one in a different post if, no, WHEN I make it to 50!

Bake a cake (DONE! March 6, 2012)
- another easy one for me. I love making cakes and decorating them too!

Made this for my brothers birthday!

Ride in a limo
- potentially difficult. I'm not going to hire a limo just to cross it off my list. I may need to get creative with this one.

Try 10 different types of cheeses
- Ive probably done this in my life time already, but not all this year. Maybe I'll rank them as well to see which cheese I think is tops.

Watch an Audrey Hepburn movie
- I'm not familiar with her movies. I think I saw one once where she was a princess in Italy.... Needless to say I should probably indulge in this classic

Drink a Shirley Temple
- I'm pretty sure I haven't had one of these since I was 10. Try to get a fancy looking one and take a picture.

Down a Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse shot
- Could be the end of me. Apparently a combo of Jose Cuervo, Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, and Johnnie Walker. Bet it tastes like death.

Line Dance
- Not too much of a challenge for me since I do enjoy it. Maybe I'll try one of the harder ones!

Make a balloon animal
- I can make a balloon animal dog. Does that count?

Send a hand written letter
- I love this idea and have been trying to do it for months. Maybe now that it's on my list I will actuall do it.

Eat 10 burgers from different places (and rank them)
- Going to be a fatty. Rank them in categories and decide which one is top burger

Have a movie marathon
- solo or with a group of friends, you can't go wrong with a good movie marathon. To be a marathon there must be a minimum of 3 movies watched back to back

Change your ringtone
- phone is on vibrate :S Moreover, how do I document that?

Celebrate your half birthday
- This is kind of a fun idea. Apparently my half birthday is June 11 (it's different with leap years etc). To calculate your half birthday visit

Celebrate someone elses half birthday
- Pick a target and have a full out celebration. Balloons, cake, candles, the whole shebang

Take an IQ test
- Find an IQ test online and see how you fair. Post your score or a screenshot of the test (oh god)

Do the A-Z movie challenge
- watch a movie that starts with every letter of the alphabet. This means I have to watch 26 movies this year. Holy crap!

Have a water fight
- balloons, hoses, pools, if it has water, it's game in a playful water fight! Maybe keep the camera awa from this one...

Hand wash a car
-I have a feeling this will turn into fulfilling the challenge listed above....

Have/attend a tea party
- I don't really like tea, but theres nothing stopping me from getting dressed for tea and drinking out of a tea cup! Just like the good ol days haha. There are many places downtown where you can go for high tea parties (or so I've heard)

Play chess in the rain
- So random. I love this idea. Now I just need to find someone as equally crazy to play with me.

Dance with a cowboy
- I'm not sure if this means a legit cowboy or a wannabe country bar type cowboy. I'm assuming its not the later... perhaps a trip to Nashville is in order.

Eat Crepes
- Shouldn't be too hard! I have a 'sister' I like to go to Cafe Crepe with (it's on Queen st in Toronto) I can definitel snap a pic before I eat :)

Make 100 lists
- This blog will be proof! It doesnt seem like a lot right now but I'm sure it will later

Tye dye something
- yeah, because this is in fashion right now.... It sounds messy!

Hug a tree
- I guess I could spread the eco love

Wear a flower in your hair
- I would greatly enojoy if this could be done in some tropical place. I can dream

Swim at night
- I dunno, theres something atmospheric about swimming after hours. May be difficult since I don't have a pool or live close to a lake. I guess I will figure it out.

Play pool
- This will be easy. Now, 'win pool' would be a completely different story.

Visit a dive bar
- What qualifies as a dive? Will need to define that first.

Bar hop
- A minimum of three consecutive bars in one night.

Ask someone for their number
- ok, the prospect terrifies me. Though I suppose this could be a friend. Hello loop hole? We will see how brave I get. This is a stor generator afterall.

Photograph 13 things with the number 13 on them
- Sort of like the other photo challenge listed here but this one is more specific. I like the number 13. As T Swift says, it's lucky!

Eat an entire pint of Ben and Jerrys in one go
- difficult but not impossible.

Buy Crazy Underwear
- ok so, this may not be one to document. Not entirely sure what certifies as 'crazy'...

Have a pj party
-umm, yes please? Will have no probs documenting this. May have problems locating friends who want to have a pajama party and a location to do so....hmmm.

Have a drink with an umbrella in it
- I so love drinks with umbrellas. They remind me of summer.

Have a great convo with the bartender
- So having a convo with the bartender isn't enough? I have to have a 'great' convo? Asking a little much of me and the bartender methinks. Presssssureeee

Take a photo of lightning
- storm chasers, sarah edition. Hopefully I don't get struck and end up in 1955

Take an underwater photo
- this of course will depend on weather or not I get to swimming.

Visit a lighthouse
-hmmm. Theres one where I live but I think it's all closed up now and you can't really get near it.

Toss a coin in a fountain
- make a wish!

Drink out of a coconut
- Hoping to do this in a tropical place this year. If not, I'll stick a bendy straw in a coconut, hang mosquito netting around my house and play tropical sounds. Ladies and gentleman I give you, living.

Swing on a tire swing
- do kids even do this these days? Do tire swings even exist anymore? Stay tuned.

Skip a stone
- I can do this so I'm ready to go

Buy someone flowers
- I love having flowers in my house, so why not brighten someone elses day with some flowers?

Climb a tree
- I sort of missed out on this childhood activity. I feel like I may have climbed one...on the other hand there's a good possibility that I made this up...

Leave 50 posts with 50 quotes in random places
- I love quotes so why not spread the inspiration? Post its errywhurrr

Light sparklers
- so so much fun. I used to do this with the fam every ear for fireworks day. Need to bring the tradition back.

Watch fireworks
- Randomly catching them in passing does not count! It has to be planned.

Eat superkid ice cream
- inspired b a tweet from a friend. I used to eat it all the time. What happened? Do we reach an age where we just grow out of superkid ice cream? I really dont think so.

Subscribe to a magazine
- this one will be super challenging for me because I don't read magazines. I guess it doesnt have to be a celeb magazine

Roll down a hill
- don't wear white and have the Tide ready

Eat cheesecake
- umm, chocolate erruption cake from Boston Pizza?! Hellllooooo! They also serve awesome chocolate covered cheescake balls for events where I work. Stellar

Make a pillow and blanket fort

Eat birthday cake
-if this doesn't happen this year I will be tremendously sad.

Ride a bike
- I CAN ride a bike, I just never get around to it

- has to be on purpose. Not just 'Im outside lets look up'. Ideally this would happen in the country, but I'll take what I can get

Lay in the grass
- it isn't summer until you've taken some time to lay in the grass, possibly watch the clouds float by

Take a guided tour of your closest city
- Lucky for me there are a lot of different tours in Toronto. I always answer tourists questions about various toronto attractions yet Ive never been on a tour or experienced them!

Send a Birthday Card
- I'm assuming this means through the mail. A dying tradition.

Make a gift for someone
- I love the idea of homemade gifts. They show you really have taken the time to think about someone.

Make someone cookies for no reason
- Well, there's a reason of course, but not for a specific occassion. I feel as though brightning someone's day can mean so much more when it's not expected in accordance with the social protocol.

Give clothes to charity
- time to clean out the closet

Make your own cookie dough ice cream
-next time you make cookies, save a little and toss it in the ice cream of your choice

Spend a full day with your cellphone off
- this sounds like hell for me. Especially considering my cell phone is my alarm clock

Give change/an appreciative note to a busker artist
- I'm always in a hurry in toronto so I never really stop to listen to music or to give change to a busker. However, I really do appreciate the arts and people making them accessible to the general public

Talk to a stranger at a set of traffic lights
- ....this is going to make me seem like such a creeper....

Go listen to a live band
- so many in toronto! Yet I can only remember going to see a live band (and not one playing for dancers) once or twice!

Jump in a puddle
- something so satisfying about jumping in puddles. However, I would like to aquire some rainboots first

Stay up all night
- and for fun, not because I'm desperately trying to finish a paper on time

Make cheesecake
- I like how cheesecake related tasks appear twice on this list. I make a wicked peanut butter and skor bar cheesecake with a chocolate crummble crust

Watch 50 movies
- from start to finish (with little leeway if they are on tv because sometimes I watch the majority of a movie but miss the beginning).

Make pancakes from scratch
- just for the experience. It's so much easier with betty crocker.... There's a recipe I want to try out from the Harry Potter cookbook (yes, there is one)

Buy someone a beer
- this is easy as it doesnt specify who it has to be heh heh heh

Buy a stranger a drink

Strike up a conversation with a stranger at a bar
- people are friendly at bars. Just don't be a snob and you can strike this one off your list

Eat a hot wing
- really? UGH. Medium is like suicide for me

Play snakes and ladders
- It's been so long since I've done this

Give a stranger a compliment- all of these 'stranger' challenges are going to kill me. Perhaps during my talk with a stranger at a bar... x___x

Pay for someones coffee/tea
- again, potentially awkward. It's sort of sad that nice gestures are associated with awkward intentions. Handle with care

Spend 5 hours in chapters
- I could possibly finish a short book by then.... Do the kick you out of chapters for staying too long??

Build a sandcastle
- turning over a pail of sand or making a quick sand-mound doesnt count. Full on sand castle

Complete an entire crossword without help
- this means no help from others and no cheating!

Tour a firehouse or police station
- getting arrested does NOT count as a tour... perhaps spot some cute firemen

Say yes when you normally wouldnt
- has to be a conscious decision. Obviously within reason (for ex, say yes to going out when you just want to stay in and relax)

Have a scavenger hunt
- either create and host one or be a part of one

Type a msg with our elbows and send it
- oh god.

Make someone a card
- wether on the computer or a full out crafted paper card, handmade greetings are always awesome

Skip down the side walk
-laugh as people awkwardly stare

Play cards
- on a mobile device does not count. Must use actual cards and play an actual game

Play beer pong
- a classic. I'm terrible at it, but I've been due to play with a certain dance friend for ages now. This year will be the year!

Completely use up a candle
- Do you save things for special occassions? I often do this. With candles I do it because I dont want to use them up and thus 'save' them. Reality? They never get used. But what am I waiting for really? Following Gretchen Rubin's resolution to 'spend out'

Do a magic trick at a bar
- First learn a magic trick. Then become very very very good in order to perform it in front of people. Or make sure theyve all been drinking heavily before hand

Play twister in public
- I wanted to play twister in the elevator at school but I think I would get in some trouble for that. Or at least be annoying to people tring to use its services. Twister in the park? At the beach?

Dance with someone in the park/street
- doesnt have to be a stranger (though perhaps some witll join in). This sounds so Disney

Get dressed up and stay in
- I love this twist on a night in. However, I enjoy getting dressed up. Not sure any of my friends would love the idea of getting dressed up 'for no reason'

Make cupcakes
- and eat said cupcakes

Celebrate something completely random
- maybe a foreign holiday or even a random day of the week. And by celebrate, there has to be some actual evidence of celebration. Texting 'Happy Friday!' just isnt enough

Make a new friend
- lolllll I dont know why but this sounds funny. Facebook friend status does not count

Get kicked out of somewhere
- I will try to get kicked out of somewhere in a non chaos causing way. Perhaps at a bar because its closing time etc

Make a masterpiece with sidewalk chalk
- doesnt have to be artistically good, just on a decent scale (for ex, a small heart on the driveway will not suffice)

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