Monday, February 27, 2012

100 Random Things About Me

Rather than writing a generic 'about me' post, I figured I'd be true to the theme of the blog and do it in list form! It wasnt so easy for me to come up with 100 random facts.

  1. I love photographs
  2. I've never dyed my hair
  3. Siri on my iphone calls me 'Justin' for some reason
  4. M*A*S*H is the only tv show I follow. I'm obsessed with it
  5. My hair is a bit of a security blanket. If I leave the house, it's usually down
  6. I prefer a pen and paper to typing
  7. I'd like to learn Italian
  8. I can't hear music without choreographing a dance routine in my head
  9. I could eat brown sugar by the spoonful
  10. I absolutely love my dog (and everyone knows it)
  11. I'm slightly addicted to twitter (@sarah_17)
  12. I love young adult/childrens fiction
  13. I'm an obsessive list maker (surprise surprise)
  14. I prefer texting to talking on the phone
  15. I'm horrible at returning phone messages
  16. I love quotes
  17. I'm horrible in emergency situations
  18. I have a terrible sense of direction
  19. My room is painted 'Jamaican Aqua'
  20. I've never been outside the continent
  21. It's hard for me to open up to new people
  22. I love roast beef sandwiches
  23. I'm a terrible pool player
  24. I spend way too much $ at Sephora
  25. I love the smell of leather
  26. I make excellent chocolate chip cookies
  27. I feel lost without my cellphone
  28. There are times when I can explain something better through dance
  29. I really cant sew
  30. I love books and writing
  31. I never drink enough water in the day
  32. My hair is currently the longest it's been in a while
  33. I can't listen at school unless I'm holding a pen
  34. I'm not a Twilight fan
  35. Overhyped things tend to annoy me
  36. I recently learned the phonetic alphabet
  37. I love dresses
  38. I recently fell in love with the Hunger Games series
  39. I can tie a tie
  40. I'm horrible with math
  41. I've never tried funnel cake
  42. I'm really a wuss when it comes to spicy food. Sometimes mild is too hot!
  43. I prefer vanilla cake to chocolate
  44. I'm really good with remembering names
  45. I haven't read a celebrity magazine in a long time
  46. Sometimes its hard for me to listen
  47. I worry about getting things wrong
  48. I like the famliy channel
  49. My wardrobe includes a lot of dark colours and neutrals
  50. I occasionally wear 'hipster' glasses (according to my friends)
  51. Sometimes I feel guilty going out with my friends
  52. I wish I could drive
  53. I'd like to be able to bartend
  54. I dont like to dance at clubs
  55. I've read the Harry Potter books more times than I can count
  56. I only listen to music on my iphone when my ipod dies (yes, I carry both)
  57. My favourite margaritas are from The Keg
  58. I love being a guest at weddings
  59. My ears arent pierced
  60. I love the sound of crickets
  61. I would teach dance even if they didnt pay me for it
  62. I can eat a whole pint of Ben and Jerrys in one sitting
  63. I'm a history lover
  64. I'm terrified of spiders (I can't sleep at night unless I've checked my ceiling)
  65. I'm equally a morning and evening person (and sometimes it drives people nuts)
  66. I love the smell of coffee but hate the taste of it
  67. The furthest I've been from home was Saint John, New Brunskwick
  68. I'm right handed but shoot left (hockey)
  69. I drew the tattoo my Dad now has
  70. I get extremely excited at Christmas time (I love holiday traditions)
  71. I've lived in 5 different houses in my lifetime
  72. I'd rather take the hit then see someone hurt
  73. I don't like milk
  74. I enjoy playing catch
  75. I know more about the Stanley Cup then the average person
  76. Chicago is one of my favourite cities
  77. I like all types of music as long as I get a good feel from the song
  78. I practically have my own library now (I own so many books)
  79. My friends brought me flowers when I was sick this past New Years. I was so thankful :)
  80. I own 4 pairs of tap shoes
  81. Popcorn-aholic
  82. I am in no way tech savy
  83. I always double knot my shoes
  84. I always wish when I catch 11:11
  85. I dont like to celebrate my birthday with friends because I dont like all the attention
  86. I own 2 pairs of cowboy boots
  87. I was born and raised a leafs fan
  88. When I cook pasta or soup, I'll put it in the fridge, wait till it gets really cold, and THEN I eat it
  89. I lived less than a month in the 80's
  90. My grandma is the best cook. Ever.
  91. My favourite season is summer
  92. When I always over-pack
  93. I greatly enjoy watching fireworks
  94. My favourite show as a kid was Sailor Moon
  95. For a tall person, I have really tiny feet (5'8, size 7)
  96. I keep a pen and paper beside my bed just incase
  97. I love cartoons
  98. I love the 1950's
  99. In grade 4 I won a speech contest for a speech about Wayne Gretzky
  100. This list was difficult for me to make!

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