Actors: Channing Tatum, Nicholas Cage, Chevy Chase
Actress: Amanda Seyfried, Katherine Heigl, Sandra Bullock
Animal: Lion
Action movie: too many!
Author: JK Rowling
Airline: Porter
Accessory: Key pendant
Book: Harry Potter, Hunger Games
Band: ummm Lady Antebellum count?
Beverage: lemonade!
Beer: MGD
Bag: my TNA bag
Cartoon: can't decide
Christmas Carol: Too many!
Clothing article
Constellation: Orion (because it's so easy to see)
Car: '71 Corvette Stingray
Chocolate bar: caramilk, cookies and cream
Candy: sweedish berries, cherry blasters
Country singer: Taylor Swift
Drink: lemonade....
Dairy product: ice cream!
Disney movie: The Lion King